Operating specifications for column mounted jib cranes

Operating specifications for column mounted jib cranes
1. The operator should strictly follow the crane operating procedures and do not allow overloading.
2. The terminal baffle is not allowed to be used as the parking mode.
3. The chain or steel rope of column mounted jib crane must be strong enough and bundled firmly. The sharp corner should be added cushion.
4. The lifting and moving of heavy objects should be carried out under vertical conditions, preventing the electric hoists draging or forcibly hoist the heavy objects buried in the ground.
5. Column mounted jib cranes are strictly prohibited from standing on the lifting objects, and strictly prohibited walking below the lifting objects.
6. When the column mounted jib crane is finished or resting, the heavy objects should not be suspended in the air.
7. Every six months, the parts of column mounted jib cranes should be cleaned, and the frame should be brushed or repainted in the condition of peeling off.
column mounted jib crane

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